Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Automated Bus Stations, Amtrak s Quik Track Self Service...

Daily commuters are always in lookout for faster and better ticketing system. Daily Travelers are usually in hurry when travelling and seeking good experience when it comes to the process of buying a train tickets or making a reservation. To study and observe how people use this ticket system at train stations, Amtrak’s Quik-Track Self-Service Ticketing Kiosk is an ideal choice. The observations took place at 30th Street Station, Philadelphia. One might ask what is this kiosk system for? The kiosk system allows Amtrak customers to pick up and print out their tickets. This is very useful technological system because it avoids passenger to stand in a line just to buy a ticket. Quik-Trak Self-Service Ticketing Kiosk works by prompting users†¦show more content†¦The people would walk to the kiosk, pull out their credit card and insert it, then select the appropriate dates and destinations, and the ticket will be printed. However, people took different amount of time to pe rform those tasks. Teenagers took longer because they were joking around. Whereas, people in hurry were very quick in performing those tasks. As I was observing how they were performing the tasks, I noticed a person’s card would not get accepted by the system. I saw him use different cards but the system’s card reader might have been broken. He also seemed frustrated because it was almost time for departure so at last minute to have this types of problem is frustrating. The primary system was being used to perform those tasks was Quik-Trak Self-Service Ticketing Kiosk. However, I saw some people pulled out their phones to scan their barcode. Some people were constantly looking at their watches and phones as they were using the kiosk ticketing system. Some people were talking and texting on their phones while they used the system. So the system allows user to operate other technologies while they use the system. I observed other people use phone technology to print out their tickets. Amtrak allows user to make reservation online and all users have to do is go to the ticketing system and scan the confirmation barcode on a phone and it prints out the physical paper ticket. It saves time from having to enter everything on

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Cognitive Disorders And Its Effects On The Brain - 1412 Words

Cognitive disorders involve problems in memory, orientation, level of consciousness, and other cognitive functions (Huang et al., 2015) . These difficulties are due to abnormalities in neural chemistry, structure or physiology originating in the brain or secondary to systemic illness (Huang et al.). Patients with cognitive disorders may show psychiatric symptoms secondary to the cognitive problems, such as depression, anxiety, paranoia, hallucinations and delusions and impaired motor function(Huang et al.). One of the major cognitive disorders is dementia, which results from impaired cognition, due to damage to the brain. Dementia is an umbrella that describes a wide range of symptoms associated with a decline in memory and other cognitive†¦show more content†¦As the US population ages, Alzheimer’s has increased significantly (71%) (AA, 2016). In 2013, there was over 84,000 deaths from AD in the U.S, however in 2016 the mortality rate doubled to 700,000 (AA, 2016). Am ong people age 70, 61% of those with AD are expected to die before the age of 80 compared with 30% of people without Alzheimer’s (AA, 2016). Most common risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease is age, however additional risk factors include gender (women) and genetic and biological contributions. An estimated 3.2 million women aged 65 and older are living with Alzheimer’s. Among those aged 71 and older, 16 percent of women have Alzheimer’s compared with 11 percent of men (AA, 2016). The abilities and interest of someone with dementia will change over time. There have been increasing reports of non-cognitive symptoms, including loss of motor function in older persons diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. It is estimated that up to 50% of older persons may have some elements of motor impairments by the age of 80 years, however this would suggest that it would be even a greater percentage for people living with dementia (AA, 2016). Motor impairment can include reduced gait speed, loss of muscle strength and bulk, and reduced balance, as well as dexterity (AA, 2016). Loss of muscle strength and bulk is common in Alzheimer’s patients and is recognized as a prominent feature in older individuals. Morphologic studiesShow MoreRelatedConcussions Or Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries958 Words   |  4 Pagesmild traumatic brain injuries (MTBI) are the most common forms of traumatic brain injury. There are between 1.6 and 3.8 million concussions a year that occur due to sp orts and recreation accidents alone (CDC). Mild concussions and MTBIs were once thought to be insignificant in terms of consequences. However, there now is significant evidence that neurological even with what is thought to be a mild injury, physiological, and cognitive changes can occur. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Cultural Diversity in the Healthcare Field Free Essays

Cultural Diversity in the Healthcare field The Many Faces of Healthcare Cultural Diversity in the Healthcare Field Carl Hooks Rasmussen College Author Note This research is being submitted on September 16, 2010, for Vicky Philips English class at Rasmussen College by Carl Hooks Cultural diversity in the medical field is, at times, greatly hindered because of religious beliefs, language barriers, and the hierarchies of diverse cultures and these have the propensity to affect the continuity of care for the patients. â€Å"Every person has different aspects that constitute their identities, according to how they see themselves†¦. This means that seeing an individual in terms of their identity can be unproductive. We will write a custom essay sample on Cultural Diversity in the Healthcare Field or any similar topic only for you Order Now † (Weaver, 2009). Nursing personnel, in particular, have to take into consideration any and all cultural differences between the patient and the nursing staff. These differences vary in as many ways as there are different ethnic groups in any particular area. Religious beliefs can hinder the nursing care of patients. There are many different religious beliefs in as many different religions. The religious belief most common in the United States, of course, is the Jehovah Witness who refuses transfusions. This religion has a strong belief in preserving the soul before the body. Other religions have other beliefs that we may not understand, but need to respect and try to work around to care for the patient. â€Å"If people believe it is God who confers both health and illness, it may be very difficult to get them to take their medication or change their behavior†¦. they would see no point worrying about high blood pressure or bacteria when moral behavior is the key to good health. † (Galanti, 2001). This kind of belief will impede the medical staff and their approach to a medical cure. Whenever possible, staff should attempt of incorporate both religious beliefs and medicine to care for the patient. For the most part (miracles do happen), religious beliefs can delay the care and health of the patient, and leaves the health professionals with a huge dilemma about what to do, and greatly delays the healing process. To understand how religion plays a role in the care given to the patient is to give better care for our patients. Consequently, the vast majority of people do believe in some sort of religion, whether it is God or some other higher power. Cultural factors stemming from religious beliefs and practices can have an intense impact on health. † (Abdoul and Abdoul, 2010). There may come a time when the medical staff has to provide a towel (prayer matt) and a quiet place to pray to a culture that does not consider the common hospital chapel an appropriate place to pray. In some religious, â€Å"It is commonly believed that illness is sent from God as retribution for sins since God is viewed as the afflicter as well as healer. † (Abdoul and Abloul,2010). Food also plays a big part in some religions which go beyond the traditional Jewish mother’s chicken soup. †¦. it is important to know that religious beliefs and practices can influence food choice, as there may be individuals within a group that observe strict dietary requirements. † (Black, 2010). All religious back grounds should be taken into consideration and, whenever possible, be provided for, and this will aid in promoting effective health care. Language barriers pose great difficulties when communicating with patients. It is imperative that both patient and nursing staff understand exactly what is being said. For this reason an appropriate trained or certified interpreter should be utilized whenever possible. Health care workers are experiencing more language difficulties than ever before. â€Å"Fully 54 million Americans†¦. roughly 20 percent of the population†¦. do not speak English at home. † (Armand and Hubbard,2010). With the exception of California, Texas, and Florida, which have over 43 percent of the population, that are classified LEP (limited English proficient). The interpreter should be trained to interpret on the patients behalf. Family members, at times, can be of great assistance, but then HIPPA comes into play. The patient may not want a particular family member to know about their health problems. The language barrier does inhibit sufficient care, and this should be addressed with the utmost of care and consideration for both the medical staff and patient. Insuring that the patient fully understands what is being done to them is of great importance. As patients, they have the right to understand what is being done and why. Informed consent must be given; the patient should be able to repeat what they have been informed of before the procedure is done. Currently â€Å"only 33 percent of U. S. hospitals have quality improvement efforts underway to improve the quality of their language access programs. † (Armand and Hubbard, 2010). The goal of the interpreter is to assure that the LEP patient has no doubts or concerns and totally understands what is going to happen, why, and any optionsimg src="http://cdncache-a.akamaihd.net/items/it/img/arrow-10x10.png" / they may have. Understanding the hierarchy of the family is imperative in understanding the functions of the family unit. With some familiarity with the different cultures in a given community, a medical professional will be able to ascertain who the head of the household is. The head of the household differs from culture to culture, as such, â€Å"misunderstandings which include but are not limited to the involvement of the male in all aspects of health care for his wife and children; the assimilation of children into all aspects of life; female humility; the subordinate status of women; and the strong emphasis on traditional female role. (Abdoul and Abdoul, 2010). By defining who the head of the household is and giving them the respect they deserve will be paramount in a speedy recovery for the patient. As the head of the household is identified, it is very important that they are included in all of the decisions made on behalf of the patient. If and when the controlling person is not readily available, all efforts should be exercised to contact that person. In rare life threatening conditions should medical personnel proceed without that persons consent, the head of the household should be given adequate time to discuss procedures with the patient should they require this. His/her decision should be respected when they decide what is appropriate for their family member. Given the most pertinent information and options, the family can then make an informed decision and the respect of the hierarchy of the family has not been compromised. All diversities should be taken into consideration when caring for a patient. By understanding what importance the patient puts on their culture, the medical staff can better serve the patient. â€Å"Hospitals can be a source of stress and frustration for patients and their families, since they are most vulnerable when they are there and are placed at the mercy of values and beliefs not of their own. † (Galanti, 2001). Making a patient aware that medical staff understands and will do all that is possible to adhere to their cultural differences can only aid in providing the best health care possible. A care plan is always done for patients when they are admitted to the hospital. While formulating a care plan, the nurse should always consider and provide for the cultural differences of the individual. The care plan should be reviewed by all staff that participates in the care of the patient. The care plan should be discussed with the patient and family to assure that all aspects of their cultural practices have been addressed. If this is not done, then the patient’s outcome can be greatly hampered. Cultural diversity in the medical field, at times, can be greatly hindered because of religious beliefs, language barriers, and the hierarchy of diverse cultures, and these have the propensity to affect the continuity of care for the patient. All aspects need to be considered to assure that the most efficient care be given on behalf of the patient. References ABOUL-ENEIN, B. , amp; AHOUL-ENEIN, F. (2010). THE CULTURAL GAP DELIVERING HEALTH CARE SERVICES TO ARAB AMERICAN POPULATIONS IN THE UNITED STATES. Journal of Cultural Diversity, 17(1), 20-23. Retrieved from Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition database Armada, A. , amp; Hubbard, M. (2010). Diversity in Healthcare: Time to Get REAL!. Frontiers of Health Services Management, 26(3), 3-17. Retrieved from EBSCO MegaFILE database. Black, P. (2010). Cultural and religious beliefs in stoma care nursing. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, 4(4), 184-188. Retrieved from CINAHL Plus with Full Text database. Weaver, D. (2009). Respect the diversity and difference of individuals. Nursing amp; Residential Care, 11(12), 590-593. Retrieved from CINAHL Plus with Full Text database. How to cite Cultural Diversity in the Healthcare Field, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Jaws Movie Poster Review Free Samples †MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about the Jaws Movie Poster Review. Answer: Introduction Since its release in 1975, the Jaws movie has gained millions of fans and followers all over the world. However, the movies poster played one major role behind the success of the movie. The poster, as shown in Fig-1 below, was the official poster released by the Universal Studios for the movie. The poster shows the violent shark on its mission to attack a woman, swimming on the ocean surface unaware of what fate awaits her. Granbacka (2016), claims how crucial had Jaws poster campaign been in the success of the movie. Jaws Poster Description The poster has been cunningly designed to reach out to the mind of the readers. The poster, being for a horror-entertainment movie is directed towards all categories of audiences. It was created to preach the theme of the movie concisely. The shark depicts horror, the woman depicts the beauty and the calmness above the water contrasted to the danger beneath, shows the calamities that await. Such creations help to grab a high multitude of audience attention. The viewers of the poster will feel the horror and tension right away. This would make them flock at the movie theatres to watch the movie and relieve themselves off the tension of what happens to the girl in the poster. Going by the initial looks of the poster, children especially will be greatly interested in such a movie, owing to the presence of an animal, the shark. Purpose of the Posters Contents As mentioned earlier, each content in the poster has been nicely placed with an aim to convey the thrill and horror of the movie. The shark and its violent teeth depicts the violence that the villain brings into the movie. The contrast in size of the shark and the girl is another key element that shows the inferiority of the prey compared to its hunter. The use of dark colors with bursting out bubbles at the base of the image from where the shark rises shows the depth of the ocean. Black or dark color is used to portray horror with a sense of sophistication and red in the name conveys blood and violence (Fagerholm, 2009). It is from the depth that an unknown attack can be launched onto the light, calm surface of the water, where the girl is swimming under the happy sun. Finally, the name of the movie has been craftily designed in red to fit the poster at the top with a white background. Written in red, it too produces a sense of danger in the mind of the viewers. Rhetorical Analysis The poster establishes ethos by naming the movie cast and other necessary information about the movie. The quotation about the best seller is highlighted at the top, to create a sense of originality and trust. Pathos is achieved by depicting a beautiful girl and the violent shark. This creates a sense of emotion and sympathy in the mind of the audience, especially children and men for separate, but obvious reasons. The use of contrasting colors with a large and violent figure of the shark brings out the logos in the poster. Conclusion The Jaws movie poster is a perfect example of how a poster must be designed in order to reach out to the audience and convey a strong message. The figures and colors are wonderfully used and is indeed a source of inspiration for the learners. References Fagerholm, C. (2009). The use of colour in movie poster design: An analysis of four genres. Granbacka, V. (2016). How is Horror Illustrated in Movie Posters?: A Study on The Evolution of Horror Movie Posters. Spielberg, S., Benchley, P., Gottlieb, C., Scheider, R., Shaw, R., Dreyfuss, R. (2018).Jaws (1975).IMDb. Retrieved 3 February 2018, from https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0073195/ Wysocki, A. F., Lynch, D. A. (2017).Compose, design, advocate. Pearson.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Swimmer By John Cheever Essays - The Swimmer, English-language Films

Swimmer By John Cheever In the short story ?The Swimmer?, John Cheever uses symbolism quite often. It is used to reveal the theme and show imagery. We will reflect on this short story and analyze the symbolism Cheever is most notable for. The story takes place in a very wealthy neighborhood where almost everyone has a pool. Not your average above ground pool, but enormous in-ground pools, some fed by streams. One hot summer day a man named Neddy Merrill was swimming at the Westerhazy's pool, ?Neddy Merrill sat by the green water, one hand in it, one around a glass of gin? (369) He is described as a slender man, a man of youth even though he is not young. ?He might be described as a summers day (369) Cheever compares Needy to a summer's day to show Needy as a warm, sporty person, without a care in the world. Neddy decides he is going to try and swim to his house 8 miles away in Bullet Park. He feels the ?string of swimming pools? (369) can take him home.? Making his way home by this uncommon route gave him the feeling that he was a pilgrim, an explorer, a man with a destiny? (370) In no way is he any of these things, but he thinks that to make himself feel more interesting. On his was home he knew he would see many friends and didn't want to be slowed down by conversation so he would have to be slick and slip away whenever he got tied up. It seems as though everyone was having friends over, he was offered many drinks. He swam half way home and he already had 4 or 5. ? He felt tired, clean, and pleased at the moment to be alone, pleased with everything.?(370) Along his journey he noticed some strange things going on, the Lindley's riding ring was overgrown with grass, and the Welchers have moved away. Neddy fails to remember them ever leaving. ?Was his memory failing him or had he so disciplined it in the repression of unpleasant facts that he damaged the sense of the truth.? (372) Further down along the trip he notices more and more things out of the ordinary, thing he doesn't remember. Mrs. Hakbran said, ?we've been terribly sorry about all your misfortunes? (374) She spoke of him selling the house and his troubled children. He did not understand,?was he losing his memory or was his gift for concealing painful facts let him forget he had sold the house or that his children are in trouble (374) After running into his old mistress and a very rude Grace Biswanger, Neddy finally returned home. He noticed all the lights were out. The garage was locked and the door handle was rusty. He banged on the door but there was no answer, he looked in the window and the place was empty. He should have seen it coming but he obviously didn't catch on . It seems as though that he had hid the unpleasant realities of life from his mind that he had forgotten the last few years of his life.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Truth vs Happiness Fahrenheit 451 Essay Example

Truth vs Happiness Fahrenheit 451 Essay Example Truth vs Happiness Fahrenheit 451 Essay Truth vs Happiness Fahrenheit 451 Essay Essay Topic: Fahrenheit 451 Submitted on Wednesday, March 27th Submitted By: William Would you rather be happy in your life and live in ignorance or would you rather live your life with more of a purpose? Even if that purpose means doing things that most people would frown upon. This is one of the conflicts the characters face in the book Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. Fahrenheit 451 is a book about a fireman named Guy Montag. In his society fireman start fires rather than put them out. Most fires started by the firemen are fires in which they burn books.Most books are not allowed and the firemen have to be called to burn them. In this book Montag appears to be a by the book firemen early on but as the book continues you learn he has his doubts about his work and if he is really happy at all with the current life he is living. In Fahrenheit 451 Ray Bradbury believes that it is better to know the truth about your life and live with purpose than to live your life happy in ignorance. In the book Bradbury proves t his in a few ways. One way it did this is when Guy Montag first met Clarrisse and started questioning what was wrong with the society that they lived in at the time.When Montag started to do the same it eventually gave him a new purpose in life and started giving him the ability to have real relationships and actually become happy with his life instead of just being happy in ignorance like most of the other people in the city he lived in. It also opened his eyes to a different world of knowledge and showed him that his old life was a lie. Those are a few examples from the book showing that Ray Bradbury believed it is more important to live your life with purpose than to be happy in ignorance.One way Ray Bradbury showed that knowing the truth about your life is more important than being happy in ignorance is showed by the way Montag’s life completely changed after he discovered the truth about his life. After he realized he was living in ignorance it gave him a new purpose in his life. The event in the book that I believe started this realization is when he was asked â€Å"Are you happy† (15). This is a question Montag is asked by Clarrisse. This simple question really shook Montag up and made him really think about what was going on in his life and made him find out he is actually not appy. After knowing this Montag starts to actually stand up for what he believes in which gives him a new purpose in life. He starts to talk to an old English professor named Faber about almost trying to start a revolution of sorts. â€Å"Plant the books, turn in an alarm and see the firemen’s houses burn† (85). â€Å"That’s the good part of dying; when you have nothing to lose, you run any risk you want† (85). Those are two quotes of Montag talking to Faber. Those quotes are significant because they symbolized Montag becoming a completely changed person.They show that he is serious about standing up for what he believes in now and that h e has found a new purpose in his life. It is the beginning of Montag’s new life and is an example of him no longer living his life in ignorance. That is one way that Ray Bradbury shows that it is more important to know the truth then be happy living in ignorance. Another way Ray Bradbury demonstrated that the truth is more important than being happy living a lie is how his social relationships changed after starting to think about the truth more. It was almost like he was a different person.Instead of continuing to have some pointless conversations like some people had in the book. You really start finding out about all the pointless conversations in the book on page 31 when Clarrisse says â€Å"People don’t talk about anything† She later says â€Å"They name a lot of cars or clothes or swimming pools mostly and say how swell! But they say the same thing and nobody says anything different from anyone else. † (31) After Guy had been talking to Clarrisse fo r a while you begin to realize that she has really changed the way he communicates with people and he begins to start having real conversations with people.An example of this is when on page 29 when Clarrisse asks him a question about children to which he replies â€Å"It was a good question. It has been awhile since anyone cared enough to ask a good question. † Montag’s answer shows that it is something he had never really put a lot of thought into until actually being asked the question by Clarrisse. That is another way that Ray Bradbury showed that it is better to live your life with purpose and know the truth about it rather than be happy in ignorance.The last way Ray Bradbury proved in that it is better to know the truth about your life than live in ignorance in Fahrenheit 451 is how after Montag got a purpose in his live it opened his eyes to a different world and showed him his old life was a lie. He actually started to be happy opposed to just thinking he was h appy while living in ignorance. The first time you realize that Montag started off living in ignorance is after he is asked if he is happy he laughs and says â€Å"Happy! Of all the nonsense, He stopped laughing. 10)† This quote shows that Montag had thought he was happy but actually shows that he was just happy in ignorance. After Montag learns the truth about his life it opens his eyes to a new world of literature. Montag’s lack of knowledge about books is demonstrated when he is talking to Faber on page 85 and says â€Å"Are things like that in books? But it came off the top of my mind. † This is significant because it shows that Montag is willing to learn about books and that some books may open him up to a world outside of the censorship he lives in.As the book goes on and Montag learns the truth about his life his opinions on things change drastically. This is shown when he is talking about leaving Mildred behind in the city and he says â€Å"Even if she dies, I realized a moment age, I don’t think I will feel sad. It isn’t right. Something must be wrong with me. (155)† This quote is significant because it shows that Montag it demonstrates that Montag is a changed man and he wouldn’t feel sad his wife died because he was not happy with his wife or his life prior to learning the truth.In Fahrenheit 451 Ray Bradbury shows that it is more important to know the truth about something than it is to necessarily be happy about it. He demonstrates this by showing that it is more important to live your life with purpose than it is to always be happy in your life. A moral to be learned from this is that it is better to tell people the truth, even if you think that telling the truth might hurt somebody’s feelings. It can be applied to real life in many situations when you have to decide to tell the truth or tell a lie. In the end whoever said â€Å"The truth hurts† wasn’t lying.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The financial support for SME's and their development role in Saudi Dissertation

The financial support for SME's and their development role in Saudi Arabia - Dissertation Example Recently, Saudi Arabian government has started to give importance to its SME sector in order to improve domestic competitiveness. In such context, research finding of this paper will help the policy makers to take their decisions more strategically. Very few researchers have tried to understand the problems of SMEs in Saudi Arabia in quantitative manner hence findings of this research paper will shed light on a much neglected area in literature regarding SMEs. SMEs in Saudi Arabia are facing problems regarding accessing financial support from financial organization and lack of talented human resource pool. Biased and un-cooperating government policy has also decreased the competitiveness of SMEs in Saudi Arabia. In this paper, the researcher has taken subjective measures instead of objective view to answer the research questions. Secondary data analysis on the basis of backed by accessing various types of secondary data sources such as books, academic journals, online journals etc. S imple mathematical and arithmetic measures are used in order to treat the data and extract valid information from the raw data. However, major limitation associated with this paper is its inability conduct the analysis by using complex predictive and inferential statistical techniques. Acknowledgements I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Jen Magson who is the research method lecturer and has helped me immensely in preparing the research design for this research paper. Without the support of Amanda Smith who is EAP lecturer, I would not be able to complete this research paper hence I am grateful to these two lecturers for giving me the opportunity work on this project. It would never be possible for me to accomplish this project without their immense support and pedagogy. Table of Contents Table of Contents 4 1. Introduction 6 2. Literature Review 6 2.1 Small and Medium Enterprises 7 2.2 Financial Support for SMEs 7 2.3 Developmental Role of SMEs 8 2.4 Conclusion 9 3. Res earch Questions 9 4. Results, analysis & discussion 9 4.1. Methodology 9 4.2 Introduction 10 4.3 Qualitative Analysis 10 4.4 Quantitative Analysis 14 5. Conclusion & Recommendation 24 5.1 Limitation 25 Appendices 29 Appendix 1: Questionnaire 29 Words Count- 4978 List of Figures Figure No. Name of the Figure Page No. 1 Distribution of Age of Respondents 16 2 Business Segment of Respondents 17 3 Financial Support to Start Business 18 4 Number of Employees 19 5 Annual Turnover 20 6 Difficulties 21 7 Duration of Business 22 8 Response Distribution for Question 8 23 9 Response Distribution for Question 9 23 10 Response Distribution for Question 10 24 List of Tables Table No. Table Name Page No. 1 Distribution of Age of Respondents 15 1. Introduction Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) play an important role in the development of any economy. Port (2010) highlighted that the mushrooming of these small organizations therefore creates the desired multiplier impact on the level of employment as well as economic progress made in the country. Despite their importance, SMEs, however, lack the required financial support in order to expand in size and contribute more towards the economic progress of the country (Hertog, 2010). Isenberg (2011) has stressed on the fact that role of SME in developing economy increases in manifold manner for those countries where scope for other large and capital intensive industries is small. Szabo (2006) has pointed out that

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Dignity of work and rights of workers Assignment

Dignity of work and rights of workers - Assignment Example The Pope puts an emphasis on the role of the church in upholding rights of workers, condemning those who violate these rights and providing a guide in matters regarding work and workers dignity. In the article, The Pope acknowledges work as the basis of man’s existence and survival in the world. He emphasizes on the spiritual aspect of work; through labor, man participates in God’s creation works 3. Missionaries of the Sacred Heart USA Province (2009) Catholic Social Teaching Dignity of the Worker. Retrieved from [Accessed 12th January 2015] The Missionaries of the Sacred Heart emphasize on dignity in work. They assert that human beings partake in God’s work of creation by working. The workers apply their God-given gifts and talents in the work they do and should, therefore, be accorded their rights and privileges. They further urge employers to put up structures that grant the workers their rights and dignity workers at work. They advocate favorable working conditions, fair hiring and placement practices, just wages and an end to discrimination as a way of upholding the dignity of the workers Charity â€Å"is the principle not only of micro-relationships (with friends, with family members or within small groups) but also of macro-relationships (social, economic and political ones)† (Pope Francis,2013, pg.205). This quote in Pope Francis’s Evangelii Gaudium caught my attention, and I took time to give thought to it. I always have, for a long time associated charity with the phrase charity begins at home, and I have never visualized the bigger picture out of the phrase. It is indeed true that charity extends beyond family or small groups to larger circumstances involving socio-economic and political relations. The literal works of Pope John Paul II and Pope Francis on work

Monday, November 18, 2019

RESEARCH PARAGRAPHS ASSIGNMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

RESEARCH PARAGRAPHS ASSIGNMENT - Essay Example Further, technology is increasingly playing a more significant role in the airline industry, with digital ticketing slowly taking shape, and replacing the manual ticketing, owing to the convenience associated with the airline clients obtaining their tickets online, as opposed to queuing for ticket booking (Mouawad, n.p.). Another emerging trend that is shaking up the manner in which business is run in the airline industry is the emergence of aircraft leasing tendencies by the airlines, as opposed to the traditional tendencies of the airlines running own-purchased aircrafts (CAPA, n.p.). This trend points to a new cost reduction strategy by the airline industry, which seeks to avoid the initial huge costs associated with aircraft purchase, thus reducing the fixed costs and the costs of investments, while making variable costs the major cost to be accounted for. This move has served to increase profitability in the airline industry. CAPA. CAPA Global Aviation Industry Outlook 2013 - Pursuing certainty in an uncertain world - Part 2, 2013. Retrieved February 3, 2014 from http://centreforaviation.com/analysis/capa-global-aviation-industry-outlook-2013---pursuing-certainty-in-an-uncertain-world---part-2-104436 Karp, Gregory. â€Å"Airlines plans for 2013 up in the air†. The Chicago Tribune, December 30, 2012. Retrieved February 3, 2014 from http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2012-12-30/business/ct-biz-1230-outlook-airlines-20121230_1_consumer-travel-alliance-airline-fees-rick-seaney Communication is an essential factor within an organization, which has a huge bearing on the performance and competitiveness of the organization in the market. However, poor writing skills have been observed to hinder the smooth flow of information within many organizations, since it is known to cause miscommunication, due to the inability of the recipients of poorly written communication

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Microprocessor Based Control of Traffic Lights

Microprocessor Based Control of Traffic Lights Abstract: Due to suitable control measures strategies which can be countered traffic congestion in urban road freeway networks leads to degrades the network infrastructure accordingly reduced throughput. Due to traffic congestion defining the main reasons for infrastructure deterioration is defined, overview of implemented proposed control strategies is provided for these areas: urban road networks, freeway networks, route guidance. The impact of various control actions strategies are illustrated briefly Selected application results, obtained from either simulation studies or field implementations. Microprocessor based control of traffic light are programmed for automatically run and change their alternatively light automatically. The microprocessor connected to different electronics devices i.e. traffic light controller, a video camera, an electronic display board, compression circuit an I/O interface, a traffic flow detector connected to the central traffic control computer through t he DSL. DSL stands for Digital Subscriber Loop. A traffic light control information transmission device both are compromised by a microprocessor on the cross road. DLS is used for send the information about the public or news of the central traffic control computer. The control signals, traffic, public information or can go through the DLS to the microprocessor. The microprocessor can control the traffic light display all the information on the electronic display board. An electronic display board is used for displaying the information that was send by DSP. The traffic flow data of the cross roads can be accessed by the traffic flow detector the video camera transmitted back to the central traffic control computer. Introduction Old system works on trigger mechanism. But today many traffic light systems operate on the timing mechanism. Timing mechanism changes the light after a fixed intervals of time. In an intersection of roads the invention that is mainly used to control traffic lights relates to an intelligent traffic light control system. Traffic signal systems will need to address many issues in the next millennium, spanning a broad range of technical, social, political boundaries. The presence or absence of vehicles within certain range is sensed by the system developed by setting the appropriate duration for the traffic signals to react accordingly. An intelligent traffic light system senses the presence or absence of vehicles reacts accordingly due to that conditions. A manual input device, an enforced switching device an intelligent detecting device the invention relates to an intelligent traffic light control system comprising a microprocessor, these three devices are responsible wherein the mi croprocessor is used for controlling traffic lights. The idea behind intelligent traffic systems is that drivers will not spend unnecessary time waiting for the traffic lights to change. The system to achieve a periodic switching the status of on/off of a traffic light is controlled through a microprocessor. An intelligent traffic system detects traffic in many different way. Trigger mechanism is responsible for older system that means older system are works on this mechanism. for inputting control parameters of traffic light to the microprocessor the manual input device is used, for carrying a preferentially direct operation the enforced switching device is use. The enforced switching device are also used for the direct control of traffic light. Current traffic systems react to motion to trigger the light changes. Once the infrared object detector picks up the presence of a car, a switch causes the lights to change. We need to understate the function of traffic signals so that we can improve driving habits by controlling the speed in order to reduce the number of associated traffic accidents. To reduce the waiting time of each lane of the cars also to maximize the total number of cars that can cross an intersection the Intelligent Traffic Signal Simulator is designed and developed. The control parameters cannot be automatically adjusted by the system according to traffic flows in each direction this is the shortcoming of prior technique. The more number of drivers who know about the operation of traffic signals, the less frustrated they are going to be while waiting for the lights to change. They have less frustration while waiting for traffic lights It means that the traffic control in an intersection of roads will be not in a best state at all times. The Traffic Signal System Consists Of Three Important Parts. The first part is the controller or we can say that the brain of the traffic system. The selection timing of traffic movements in accordance to the varying demands of traffic signal that controls by a computer controls as registered to the controller unit by sensors. The second part is the signal visualization or in another words it is signal face. Controlling traffic in a single direction consist of one or more signal sections are provided by Signal faces which are part of a signal head. These usually comprise of solid red, yellow, green lights. The third part is the detector or sensor. Presence of vehicles is indicated by the sensor or detector. One of the technologies, which are used today, in the pavement at intersections wire loops are placed. Electrical inductance caused by a vehicle passing over or standing over the wire loop is change therefore they are activated Their Demand With the increase in urbanization to operate our roadway systems with maximum efficiency traffic congestion comes a greater demand. New technology, such as traffic-responsive closed loop systems or adaptive traffic signal systems using advanced surveillance traffic management centers, will become increasingly critical for city, county, state, organizations to meet transportation needs. Emergence Of Microprocessor-Based Traffic Signal Control In early 1960s computers were introduced to traffic signal systems. The first computerized traffic signal control system was installed in Canada in 1963. Hardware software standardization efforts were first initiated In 1970s, when microprocessors are common , the developments progressed at a relatively modest pace. The philosophy that controllers would provide a basic set of features standard connectors the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) TS1 standard was based . The concept of the new platform was that traffic signal controllers should not be based on static technology (like the Model170 specification) but on widely used commercial standards, allowing new technology to be adopted rapidly Technical Challenges Traffic signal research has been conducted in two distinct areas: roadside equipment analytical-type operations research. The research on roadside equipment has performed by the Government agencies vendors virtually. Similarly, the research in analytical-type operations are performed virtually. The roadside equipment analytical models although significant advancements have been made, neither area has been particularly closely coordinated with the other. Many of the following research issues fall outside the typical DOT, commercial, university organizational structure, but they show considerable promise for improving the operation of traffic signal systems. System Integration Research Due to past research, government agencies vendors in considered isolation have perfected systems that do an excellent job of meeting todays needs, but do not provide the building blocks for cost-effectively implementing integrated systems manufactured by a variety of vendors. It means that the system manufactured by the vendors do not get the basic building block from the government. Similarly, because many of the assumptions made by the universities developing the models do not reflect the technical limitations or traffic engineering conventions imposed by modern controllers many of the promising control algorithms proposed over the years have never been implemented. Advanced Transportation Controller Adaptive controller adjust time or re-time every 30 sec. A computer is used to control an operation by monitoring readings from sensors sending control signals when necessary. The concept of an ATC was initiated in 1989. Caltrans prepared a report documenting some of the deficiencies of the Model 170 controller recommended a 3U VME-based platform using OS-9 (12). The concept of the new platform was that traffic signal controllers should not be based on static technology (like the Model170 specification) but on widely used commercial standards, allowing new technology to be adopted rapidly. The initial specification developed by Caltrans was called the Model 2070. Ideally, new technology would be incorporated into the Model 2070 traffic signal controller at a rate similar to that observed in the desktop computing market. As interest in the standard development effort broadened, more public agencies began participating, an ATC standard emerged that is even less dependent on the proc essor operating system than the Model 2070. Process control means automatic control of an industrial process†¦ Characteristics of process control sensors are main part of the traffic light based on the microprocessor .It is a real-time operation input from sensors is processed It is an example of the use of feedback if it is out of balance the sensor input is used to adjust the process control signals are sent back almost immediately. the timing of each part of the process and the computer usually controls the supply of materials Some more sophisticated systems allow for learning to take place. The computer remembers how the best results were obtained attempts to reproduce those results Sensors Sensors are the main part of any traffic signal system, yet are viewed by many as the weakest link in developing better traffic control systems. Sensing needs include so many detection train detection, nonferrous bicycle detection, emergency vehicle detection, transit vehicle detection, pedestrian detection, vehicle detection and queue estimation. Reliability must increase costs decrease to facilitate widespread use not only must new sensing technology be developed. Furthermore, standards need to emerge for integrating these sensors into traffic signal systems. The standard practice for bringing any sensor information into a traffic signal controller is via discrete logic (contact open/contact closed), which is limiting needs to improve. Summary Of The Invention In order to overcome above shortcomings of the prior technique, the invention provides an intelligent traffic light control system. The control system can automatically adjust the traffic light control parameters according to the changes of traffic flow in different directions, thereby increasing the traffic efficiency of intersection of roads achieving a best control for traffic. The technical solution of the invention is that: an intelligent traffic light control system comprises a microprocessor, a manual input device, an enforced switching device an intelligent detecting device, wherein the microprocessor is used for controlling traffic lights, the manual input device is used for inputting control parameters of traffic light to the microprocessor, the enforced switching device is used for carrying out a preferentially direct operation, the intelligent detecting device includes one or more panoramic cameras an intelligent controller, wherein the one or more panoramic cameras are used for capturing real-time traffic flow images of each direction, the intelligent is used for receiving the real-time traffic flow images of each direction through a video capture board, identifying vehicles on each lane of each road, identifying status of driving stopping of each vehicle, counting the length of queue of vehicles in each lane from the status of driving stoppin g of each vehicle sending an instruction for modifying traffic light control parameters to the microprocessor according to a preset program. The microprocessor modifies the traffic light control parameters after receiving the instruction. Provided with an intelligent detecting device, this system can estimate the jamming condition of each road according to the length of queue of driving or stopping vehicles on each road, make a best control mode using a preset program by adjusting switching order switching time of traffic lights to adapt to the actual traffic condition, thereby increasing traffic efficiency of an intersection of roads, reducing traffic jam of each road in each direction. That is beneficial to the normal traffic on roads, in particular to morning peak evening peak of traffic, as the main flow directions of the mass vehicles in morning peak evening peak are different. Provided with one or more panoramic cameras, the intelligent detecting device can effectively ca pture images of traffic jam condition in each direction, thereby simplifying the device ensuring the control effect at the same time. It is therefore a primary object of the invention to provide a traffic light control information transmission device that applies the existing broadb network to transmit data between the central traffic control computer the microprocessors of the cross roads to avoid the installation of the cables save the construction cost. In order to achieve the objective set forth, a traffic light control information transmission device in accordance with the present invention comprises a microprocessor on the cross road, the microprocessor further connects to a traffic light controller, an electronic display board, a video camera, a compression circuitry, an I/O interface, a traffic flow detector connected to the central traffic control computer through the DSL (Digital Subscriber Loop). The control signals, traffic, public information or news of the central traffic control computer can go through the DSL to the microprocessor; the microprocessor can control the traffic light display all the information on the electronic display board. The traffic flow data of the cross roads can be accessed by the traffic flow detector the video camera transmitted back to the central traffic control computer. Application Of Traffic Models Many modeling procedures techniques have been tried over the years have achieved varying levels of acceptance use. These models can be classified as macroscopic or microscopic. Macroscopic models are based on average flow rates average signal timings. They are particularly useful for signal system timing design software because they provide efficient procedures for formulating objective functions used in optimization logic. In the past decade, many of the macroscopic models have incorporated more detail to account for actuated signals coordination between them. However, these macroscopic models only provide analytical estimates of average system performance do not provide insight into the actual signal system operation, particularly during non steady-state conditions such as emergency preemption or timing plan transitions. Microscopic models are based on car-following theory cycle-by-cycle signal times. These models have significant potential to evaluate visualize alternative control concepts for traffic signal systems because they consider the car-following dynamics of traffic streams they can model many of the characteristics of advanced systems such as coordinated actuated controllers. These microscopic simulation procedures can be used to analyze tune coordinated-actuated systems directly, because they consider a majority of the parameters used in modern, coordinated-actuate signal systems. However, microscopic models. Traffic Control Concepts Traffic control concepts for isolated intersections basically fall into two basic categories: 1. Pre-Timed Signal Control Under these conditions, the signal assigns right-of-way at an intersection according to a predetermined schedule. The sequence of right-of-way (phases), the length of the time interval for each signal indication in the cycle is fixed, based on historic traffic patterns. No recognition is given to the current traffic demand on the intersection approaches unless detectors are used. The major elements of pre-timed control are fixed cycle length, fixed phase length, number sequence of phases 2. Traffic-Actuated Signal Control Traffic-actuated control of isolated intersections attempts to adjust green time continuously, , in some cases, the sequence of phasing. These adjustments occur in accordance with real-time measures of traffic demand obtained from vehicle detectors placed on one or more of the approaches to the intersection. The full range of actuated control capabilities depends on the type of equipment employed the operational requirements. Conclusion An intelligent traffic light system had successfully been designed developed. Increasing the number of sensors to detect the presence of vehicles can further enhance the design of the traffic light system. Another room of improvement is to have the infrared sensors replaced with an imaging system/camera system so that it has a wide range of detection capabilities, which can be enhanced ventured into a perfect traffic system.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Essay --

Myofascial Release (MFR) is defined as a hands-on soft tissue stretching technique that involves manipulating the muscles and the fascial covering.1 MFR is performed by a trained professional who applies a gentle yet progressive stretch where-by the amount of time for which the technique is applied, the direction in which the stretch is applied, and the force with which it is applied are all dependent upon the patient’s physical response to the treatment.2,3 Ultimately, it is what the therapist feels, the end-feel, that guides the treatment through a series of stretches and manipulations attempting to reach maximum relaxation of tight tissues.2 Due to muscles and fascia being interconnected throughout the entire body, MFR is thought to be a whole body treatment.2 This theory explains why, often times, a therapist might treat an unaffected area and provide relief in the area of the patient’s complaint.2 Furthermore, this also explains why a treatment session to one area may cause symptoms to surface in an unrelated area.2 For these reasons, it is very important for therapists to set appropriate expectations regarding the treatment and the effects thereof.2 Patient response is very individualized.2 Thus, â€Å"MFR is performed with a patient, not to a patient.†2 Myofascial release requires active participation of the patient; however, not by actively contracting muscles nor by performing certain movements.2 The active participation is defined, more appropriately, as the patient being the leader by focusing on the sensations from his/her body while lying still on the table and allowing his/her body to lead the therapist’s therapy session.2 The patient must not inhibit movement, allowing his/her body to move freely.2 Only the... ...search on this topic, three of the four members of the group had a very open-minded approach to therapy believing that holistic care has a definite place in patient care. One member of the group; however, had very little experience and very little exposure to holistic treatments. After completing the research on this topic, the group shared a common belief that myofascial release and it underlying techniques make sense clinically and; therefore, the four members of this group will have no problem â€Å"selling† MFR and its benefits to a potential patient. Because of this research and learning experience, all four members gained a stronger understanding of the mind-body connection and; thus, feel even more confidence in finding a place for holistic treatments, such as myofascial release to treat the overall well being of the patient including the mind, body and spirit.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Effects of Fast Food Essay

INTRODUCTION Junk food is typically defined as foods with little nutritional value that are high in calories, fat, sugar, salt, or caffeine. It is widely believed that the term was coined by Michael Jacobson, director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest, in 1972. Common junk foods include salted snack foods, gum, candy, sweet desserts, fried fast food, and carbonated beverages. The convenience, price and predictability of fast food makes it a frequent meal choice for many people. However, as consumption of fast food has risen over the last three decades, so too have occurrences of several health issues and diseases related to fast food and unhealthy eating habits. Eaten regularly, fast food can put you at an increased risk for developing diabetes, heart disease or obesity. The fast food industry in India has evolved with the changing lifestyles of young Indian population. The sheer variety of gastronomic preferences across the regions has brought about different modules across the country. Many of the traditional dishes have adapted to suit the emerging fast food outlets. The basic adaption is to decrease the processing and serving time. HEALTH EFFECTS A study by Paul Johnson and Paul Kenny at the Scripps Research Institute (2008) suggested that junk food consumption alters brains activity in a manner similar to addictive drugs like cocaine or heroin. The increase of junk food is directly associated with the increase in obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, certain cancers, tooth decay, and other diseases. Fast Food Contributes to Obesity Fast food is a major contributor to rising occurrences of obesity. Calorie-laden fast food meals can contain nearly a full day’s worth of calories and fat and, eaten regularly, can increase your chances of obesity. According to CBS News Health Watch, almost one-third of U.S children between the ages of 4 and 19 consume fast food which, depending on the regularity which with fast food is eaten, can cause a 6-pound weight increase per year. Fast Food increases Diabetes Along with obesity, consumption of fast food has been linked to an increased chance of developing Type 2 Diabetes. In Type 2 Diabetes, either your body is unable to regulate blood sugar with insulin, or is unable to produce insulin. Increased body fat, along with a high-sugar and high-carbohydrate diet, can increase your body’s resistance to insulin, which monitors your blood sugar levels. An article published by the US Department of Health and Human Services states that people who ate fast food two or more times per week were twice as likely to experience insulin resistance. Fast Food is High in Sodium Fast food is typically very high in sodium. A large order of fast food french fries can contain as much as 30% of your daily value of sodium. While important to consume in small amounts, a diet high in sodium can lead to high blood pressure, a potential precursor to heart disease. As excess sodium builds up in your bloodstream, your heart must work harder to pump blood successfully, which can cause hypertension and high blood pressure. Regularly consuming foods high in sodium can greatly increase your chances of developing high blood pressure. Fast Food is Low in Nutrients Many fast food are low in nutrients. Hamburgers served on white bread, french fries and other high-carbohydrate sides and fried or high-fat meats are common fast food menu items, and all lack important nutrients such as vitamins found in fresh produce, fiber found in whole grains and protein served without added fat. Foods which are high in sugar and carbohydrates but low in nutrients are also often less filling than healthier options, and can lead to overeating. Furthermore, non-nutritious fast food several times per week can impact your energy levels and mood, and may put you at risk for vitamin deficiency. Harmful Effects of Junk Food * The regular consumption of junk food is the leading factor in obesity and excess weight. * Obesity is second only to smoking as a cause of death in America. * 46% of Canadian adults are either overweight or obese, with obesity in children increasing three-fold over the past 2 decades. * Consumption of Aerated drinks containing sugar has been linked to weight gain and an increased risk for development of type 2 diabetes. * Studies have revealed that obese people have twice the rate of chronic health problems as people of normal weight. * Junk food diet is a major cause of heart diseases. * High cholesterol resulting from junk food puts undue strain on the liver, causing long-term damage to this essential organ. * Research has suggested that diets high in fat may also impair essential brain functions, like concentration and memory. The junk food facts about Aerated drinks alone are alarming. There is compelling evidence that regular consumption of Aerated drinks leads to Increased rates of: – * Bone fracture * Osteoporosis * Weight gain and obesity * Type II Diabetes * Kidney stones * Tooth decay and other dental problems ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I am deeply indebted to my Economics teacher, Mrs. Payal Mathur, without whose help this project would not have been possible. The success of this project depends largely on the encouragement and guidance provided by Mrs. Payal Mathur. I take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the people who have been instrumental in the successful completion of this project. I can’t thank them enough for their tremendous support and sparing their valuable time. I would like to thank the people of my colony, my friends and relatives who were my respondents and painstakingly filled the questionnaires. The guidance and support received from all my family members who contributed to this project, was vital for the success of the project. I am grateful for their constant support and help. Last but not the least, I also acknowledge the effort put in by my elder sister Miss Upasna Handa in compiling the project. BIBLIOGRAPHY INFORMATION: * www.google.com * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Junk_food * http://facts.randomhistory.com/interesting-facts-about-junk-food.html * http://www.livestrong.com/article/497521-facts-about-the-dangers-of-eating-fast-food/ PICTURES: * www.google.com JUNK FOOD FACTS – CHILDREN * The junk food industry deliberately targets children as young as 2 in a bid to create brand preference and lifelong loyalty. * Advertisers question kids and tap into their play to create ads and products with guaranteed child-appeal. Fast food chains use the lure of free toys to get kids to persuade their parents to spend. A desirable toy can double or triple weekly sales of kids’ meals. And every child brings along at least one adult too. * Flavorings and colorings can cause asthma, rashes and hyperactivity. Many countries – but not the UK – ban them from children’s food. JUNK FOOD FACTS – AERATEDDRINKS * The metal can costs more than the ingredients, which are primarily water mixed with additives, sugar or sweetener, and caffeine. A can of cola contains 10 teaspoons of sugar. * Aerated drinks are aggressively marketed by fast food chains, because they are so profitable, at around 97% profit on the price per cup. The bigger the cup, the greater the profit. * In the US, average adult consumption of Aerated drinks is around 500 cans a year. * Twenty per cent of American under-2s are given Aerated drinks – laden with sugar and additives – every day. DISGUSTING JUNK FOOD FACTS ABOUT THE FOOD ON YOUR PLATE * Canned spaghetti A helping of carbohydrate, salt and sugar, with virtually no fibre, anyone? * Chicken nuggets Low cost nuggets are cheap because they contain as little as 16% pulped chicken, bulked out with water, chicken skin, proteins removed from bone, hide, or poultry feathers, mechanically retrieved meat; plus the ubiquitous sugar, additives and salt. They also contain bulking agents used to soak up the water that’s injected into chicken to increase the weight – and the profit. Minced meat can hid a multitude of revolting ‘extras’ : carcinogenic antibiotics, recycled cat food, and poultry mixed with beef proteins have all been found in chicken destined for the production line. * Chocolate muffin Ruinously high in sugar, and made with the big baddie of the junk food industry, partially hydrogenated vegetable oil which has zero nutritional value, and damages heart and arteries. * Fries Fat-packed and low in nutrients. May be coated with additives and salt. * Fruit yoghurts, ready-made sauces, fruit drinks, baby foods – and more†¦ Modified starches, along with colorings and flavorings, mimic the texture of fresh fruit and veg, so that manufacturers’ can use less of the real thing. They also mask rancid flavors’ and smells. * Milkshakes A simple-sounding ingredient, like ‘artificial strawberry flavor’ can in itself contain around 50 chemicals. And not one single strawberry. What’s in some of that Junk Food? * One teaspoon of sugar is extracted from a stalk of sugarcane one metre in length! * A super-sized order of McDonald’s fries contains 610 calories and 29 grams of fat. * A king-sized order of Burger King’s fries packs 590 calories and 30 grams of fat. * A king-sized Burger King meal, (Double Whopper with cheese, large fries and large drink) contains 1,800 calories (mostly derived from fat and refined sugar). To ‘burn’ these calories would take nearly 6 hours of cycling (at 20 miles per hour). Junk Food Advertising * The food industry spends over $33 billion per year in the US alone to advertise food products that could be classified as junk food. * The majority of food advertising during children’s television programming is for sweetened cereals, Aerated drinks, candy, processed snacks and fast foods. * The average American child sees around 20,000 ads a year for junk food. * Over 90% of American children eat at McDonald’s at least once per month. * American teenagers drink an average of 760 can of soda pop per year (with boys drinking about 25% more than girls). * The average American of any age drinks over 500 cans of Aerated drinks per year. * Nearly 20% of children under 2 years of age are given Aerated drinks every day in America! * The average person today consumes more sugar in two weeks than a person a century ago would have eaten in a whole year. That’s a junk food fact!

Friday, November 8, 2019

University of Phoenix Material Essays (404 words) - Education

University of Phoenix Material Essays (404 words) - Education University of Phoenix Material Stages of Critical Thinking Part 1: Stages of Critical Thinking Complete the matrix by identifying the four beginning stages of critical thinking as detailed in Critical Thinking. |Stages of critical |Stage description | |thinking | | |The Unreflective |These are the thinkers that are basically | |Thinker |unaware of the role of thinking in their | | |lives and of potential problems with their | | |own reasoning. Mostly these thinkers may be | | |educated, they tend to be unable to resolve | | |problems in thinking or find new strategies | | |to solve problems. | |The Challenged Thinker|A challenged thinker has become aware of the | | |role thinking plays in their lives. They have| | |an understanding of the basic elements of | | |reasoning. They may think they have critical| | |thinking skills, but they may not recognize | | |that they apply these critical thinking | | |skills in their lives, and making it tough | | |for them to improve their thinking abilities.| |The Beginning Thinker |The beginner thinker realizes that they | | |sometimes experience tough times in their | | |reasoning or problem solving; and they take | | |great measures to monitor and improve their | | |thinking. | |The Practicing Thinker|Theses thinkers understand that the human | | |mind tends to be self-deceit, and they | | |attempt to assess and critique their own | | |conclusions, beliefs, and opinions. | Part 2: Your Thinking Write a 75- to 150-word explanation of your current level of critical- thinking development, and explain why you placed yourself at that stage. I believe I am a practicing critical thinker, because I don't always think critically and do have to often remind myself of the habits that I need to change when it comes to thinking. I am enthusiastically working hard to change my negative thinking habits into positive thinking habits. I tend to procrastinate often and get work done at the last possible minute with everything that I do. I recognize that I do have worthy habits and I do my best to apply them when solving issues. I am a person, who is afraid change, and I do realize the need for change in my life and in the way I problem solve. It is a battle to analyze all of the information and options available to me before solving issues and I sometimes try to take the easiest route. I understand I have personal issues to work on as far as my own beliefs and reasoning, but I do try my best to better my thinking.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

How to Manage Freelance Writers A Stress-Free Guide

How to Manage Freelance Writers A Stress-Free Guide The position of â€Å"managing editor†Ã‚  has evolved in a crazy way since the advent of digital publications and blogs. And whether you consider yourself an editor or not, the chances that you do some  managing editor tasks as a content marketer are high. Every marketer is working with content creators. Every marketer is making sure the words and images make sense. You may not consider yourself an editor, but if you manage other content creators, publish content using specific guidelines, or even proofread on a regular basis, you are  an editor †¦ at least in part. But even though many of us are editors in our own ways, we still get questions like, â€Å"What does an editor really do these days?† For me, these kinds of questions bring up irrational feelings of frustration as I think to myself, â€Å"What don’t  I do† But it’s a valid point- we are no longer in the days of traditional print media, where spelling errors are corrected with a big red pen and paragraphs are picked up and put down like weights in the gym. Instead, our jobs are digital and they’re evolving. The myriad tools we have at our fingertips  are at once saviors and curses as we attempt to navigate all the tasks and words competing for our attention. Being an editor comes with a lot of responsibilities, and requires a pretty wide range of skills. Not only do editors need to understand advanced writing techniques, they also need to be a superb manager of people and projects. The writers that create the content for our publications to thrive need leading! Being an editor comes with a lot of responsibilities, and requires a pretty wide range of skills.Now, this can prove to be extremely challenging, especially because most writerly folks tend to be introverted and prefer to work alone. When you’re an editor, and especially when you’re an editor of a digital publication and managing multiple writers, you must learn and master four specific foundational elements to be successful: Business Strategy (notice I didn’t just say marketing strategy!) Project Management Editing Writing Techniques Leadership Relationship Management As you can see, editing writing are only one part of being a successful managing editor. In fact, managing freelance writers starts way before we even hire the writers. Recommended Listening: How to Implement a Guest Blogging Process With Jess Ostroff from Don't Panic Management [PODCAST] Connect Marketing Strategy to  Business Strategy I could spend all day talking about why every piece of marketing needs to be rooted in your overall business strategy, but the short version is this: If you can’t attach your content marketing activities to the bottom line, you’re not going to have any content marketing activities. That means no writers, no editors, no graphic designers, no programmers, and certainly no social media managers to share your content. I’m not trying to scare you, but it’s important to see the forest for the trees here, especially if you want to take your editorial duties to the next level. So, how can you put bottom-line growth in the forefront of your content marketing activities? Start here: Understand Your Audience When working with and speaking to marketers, I often pose a question that looks something like this: â€Å"Are you a fiction writer? Or are you a marketer?† Fiction writers write for themselves. They’re novelists, and they get to pick the subjects and the characters that make them happy. Not the case for marketers! We have to write for our audiences, not ourselves. So, the first thing to be crystal clear about is who is your audience?  What do they need to know? What problems are they looking to solve? How are they getting their information? What format of content do they prefer to consume? Marketers have to write for our audiences, not ourselves.Now, you may need to do some serious digging to develop a clear picture of who your audience is. And I always recommend creating an avatar or persona so that you can put a face and name to the audience, even if it’s fictional. Creating several personas is fine, too. I know many companies target different audiences along the way. But the important thing is to KNOW. And I can’t tell you how many clients and colleagues I come across who really don’t have any idea who their audience is and what they care about. This is a huge problem. Having a deep understanding of your audience allows you to craft your message and hone your story to reach your goals. After all, it’s the audience that ultimately determines your destiny. A little scary when you think about it, right? But more importantly, why does this matter? Why am I talking about audience in a post about managing writers? Tip: If you need help creating personas, try using Xtensio's Free Persona Creator Tool. Because when you deeply understand your audience’s needs, you can clearly communicate that with your writers, who can then create content specifically for your audience, who then, through their behavior, help you reach your goals. It’s a win for everyone, and it’s where every managing editor must begin. Set Measurable Goals Goals come from the top down. They’re determined by the manager, the c-level executive, or even the owner of the business. That’s because they’re related to bottom-line revenue for the entire business, not just the marketing department. Depending on the structure of your company, you may or may not be a part of the decision-making process when it comes to goals. Regardless, it’s important that you or someone on your team provides some historical metrics so that you can develop future goals for your content marketing efforts. Your goals may look similar to these: Increase website pageviews by 50% Increase email newsletter subscriptions by 100% Increase social media referrals by 30% Increase organic traffic by 25% Increase publishing schedule by 20% Pick the goals that you can track over time and don’t be afraid to refine them as you go. Even if you’re not in charge, it’s your job to inform the decision makers with actual data and results. Inform your decision makers with actual data and results.Develop Clear Guidelines Style Guides The great thing about guidelines is that you can always change them. Okay, that sounds a little nuts to say right away. But it’s my favorite part. Because your tools, your resources, and your goals are always changing, it seems reasonable to accept that you can change your guidelines. But I’ve seen a lot of editors become terrified of creating guidelines and style guides because they think they’re writing them in stone. Not the case! I want to mention this up-front so my type A perfectionists don’t get scared away. Guidelines are important. But they’re not permanent. Make them. Use them. Adjust them. Use the feedback loop to always be making improvements. At the very minimum, make sure your guidelines include: Audience information Goals of your publication Expertise you’re looking for Tone Topic ideas Recommended word count Instructions on how to submit posts Any rules or restrictions If you want to have a little more fun with your guidelines page: Make a video to supplement the written ideas Provide incentives for submitting posts Hide an Easter egg Use humor (if it fits with your tone and style) Make the process fun Embed a form (instead of simply providing an email address) Be a human Here are some awesome guidelines pages that I’ve seen recently, from which you can borrow ideas: Hubspot’s Marketing: Note how they share what they will and will not  consider. Also note how clear they are about their process. Four Hour Work Week: Note how Tim keeps a conversational but direct tone, explaining exactly what to consider when submitting, what format he wants posts in, and some helpful tips to keep in mind. Convince Convert: Note how Jay developed a custom video to explain the audience and type of content, plus the submission form is embedded directly on the page. Okay, now you understand the basic business principles that your editorial strategy should adhere to. It’s time to get to the nitty-gritty. Recommended Reading: How to Write a Pitch Email That Will Get Your Guest Post Accepted Pay Attention to Project Management Topics and deadlines and word counts, oh my! Don’t let a long list of to-do’s get in the way of publishing amazing content. Set up a project management system that you can follow throughout your publishing schedule, from communications and deadlines to publish dates and URLs. Recommended Reading: The Complete 16-Step Marketing Project Management Process That Will Get You Organized Use (and Stick To) a Master Editorial Calendar Some of my favorite publications create certain days of the week for certain types of content, but you don’t have to have to create featured content every day to find value in an editorial calendar. There are tons of tools you can use for this (  being my personal favorite, I’m serious!) but you can also start with a simple spreadsheet. Tip: If you're interested in trying , you can sign up for a free 14-day trial. At Don’t Panic, we have a master editorial spreadsheet in Google Drive for all of our clients. On the first tab, it includes a link to the writing guidelines we’ve developed for our writers so that no one has an excuse for not having them. It also includes a key that shows what each color means and where everything is in the process (more on process in the next section). We have a tab for each client and a column in each tab for the writer assigned, the title of the post, any notes about the post from the writer or the client, and various deadlines. There is also a column for status, which is where the color-coding comes into play. When a post is delivered or published, the rows get hidden so that the spreadsheet isn’t cluttered with old work. You can adopt a variation of this spreadsheet for your own writer-tracking purposes. Create a Workflow That Works Even if you’re the only person who manages your editorial process, you need a workflow to stay productive (especially on those days when no amount of coffee can keep you motivated). The best way to do this is to set up an easy, foolproof, step-by-step system that doesn’t require you to think about it every time. Work backwards from publish dates to determine what your process and deadlines will look like. I love to have all posts for the following week edited and scheduled by the Friday before if possible so I don’t have to be panicking about them every day. It’s not always possible, especially if we have timely or sponsored posts to run, but you can corral your writers to meet the deadlines you set out if you plan out your own workflow first. Some  tips for that: Have all posts come in the same way, in the same format, to the same place.  That may mean that you have a form that accepts attachments, a Google Drive folder where everyone uploads their finished pieces, or you use a tool that allows writers to drop their drafts right into your CMS. Make sure deadlines are clear and are followed. Don’t keep writers around who can’t meet deadlines. There are many reasons for this, but for me, the main reason is because late drafts mean that I have to adjust my workflow. I like to set designated times for review and editing, and I can’t do that if I’m missing content. This goes for initial drafts and any re-written pieces. You must set deadlines for everything! Set aside specific time for editing.  Editing in batches is often much more productive than editing in piecemeal. Use a color-coding system.  Perhaps blue means received, yellow means in review, red means awaiting re-write, green means approved, and grey means scheduled. This is especially helpful if you’re working with a team, but even if you’re on your own, it takes the guesswork out of where in the process you are for each piece so you can stay on track. Overcommunicate. Writers need a certain level of herding because they’re often working on a lot of different content at once. Make sure that you’re being abundantly clear about where you’re at in the process and what you need from them. This keeps everyone happy and on track. Are you a blog editor? Here's how to corral your writers. If you have other elements in your process that need to be done, such as graphics and social media messaging, include them in your writer management process even if it means bringing in other designers or social media managers. Having fragmented processes for different teams is ineffective. Create a cohesive process for all of your editorial tasks, even if they involve people outside of your freelance writing team. Overall, the workflow creation is really about knowing yourself. And as the manager, you have a certain level of authority over what the process is. So please think deeply about what will work best for you, roll out the process to your writers, and stick to it if you can. Trouble comes when you’re always reinventing your process and forcing writers to do the same. Set Up a Separate Mailbox If your submission process looks anything like mine, the emails and attachments and questions I get in my email are enough to drive a person mad. And I get it. Writers work hard on their posts, so if you don’t get back to them with approvals right away, they get antsy. But setting up a separate account (such as submissions@ or guestposts@ or editor@) to deal with your articles can help set the expectation among writers (and make you feel a little more sane in the process). You have my permission to set up the process that works for you, and that includes looking at, reviewing, and scheduling content when you have the time and are in the mental space to deal with it. And to make this even easier, consider setting up a separate email box just for your editorial management duties. That will allow you to compartmentalize and batch the work you do with your writers so you don’t get bogged down and pulled away from your other duties. Because I know that if you’re anything like me, you wear many hats and need to focus on different tasks at different times! Recommended Reading: The 101 Marketing Time Management Strategies You Need to Succeed Nail Your Editing Writing Techniques Being a decent writer is really the first thing you need to become an editor, but as you can see it’s not the ONLY thing. And while writing rules change over the course of time, there are several important ones that you should always look out for: Passive voice Apostrophe misuse Unclear/incorrect pronoun usage Fragments Extra/missing commas There are also always those pesky effect/affect issues, problems with semicolons, and the en-/em-dash debate. If you’re not clear on what you should be editing or simply want to brush up on your editorial chops, I recommend browsing Grammar Girl’s posts  or listening to her podcast. also has some editing tips  from the writing perspective that will help guide great content. It behooves you to review your expectations with writers from an editing perspective. It behooves you to review your expectations with writers from an editing perspective.Cut, Cut, and Cut Some More Many editors follow the 10-15% rule, which means that 10-15% of every article is superfluous and can be cut. Consider what pieces of your articles either don’t add value or are superfluous and get rid of them. Writing more for the sake of a word-count requirement is not effective, and generally lowers the quality of the piece. If you’re having trouble getting writers to produce enough about a certain topic, then they either don’t know the material or the topic is too narrow to be covered as an article. If the latter is the issue, try other types of media (like video) to explore that topic instead. #Editing Tip: Cut 10-15% from every article.Understand Leadership Relationship Management Fortunately (or unfortunately for some!), being a managing editor means you have to work on, well, managing people! That means that you have to refine your leadership and relationship skills, whether you like it or not. Managing relationships is a craft that must be fine-tuned over time, but I wanted to share some ideas that you can start implementing immediately to become a better manager. Managing relationships is a craft that must be fine-tuned over timeBe Honest About Approvals and Edits Everyone takes a different approach to being an editor. Some focus mostly on grammar, spelling, and general formatting edits. But some of the best editors are the ones who are really great at making sweeping edits within each piece of content to make it sound intelligent and cohesive. Let your writers know what sort of approach you like to take and how that will affect their final written product. This way, they can be prepared for the changes†¦ and their ego doesn’t run the risk of being bruised! Recommended Reading: How to Save 10 Hours a Month Like Convince Convert With Marketing Project Management Software Provide Ongoing Feedback No one likes to receive criticism, but you can lessen the blow of negative feedback by simply providing some  sort of feedback, both the good and the bad, every time. That way, your writer doesn’t fear hearing from you (which happens if you’re only getting in touch with bad news) and you’re able to put them in the position of receiving and implementing feedback on an ongoing basis. Now I know this puts more of a burden on your as the editor because it means you have to take the time to craft some feedback for each deliverable, but you don’t have to write an expose every time. Even a simple, â€Å"Great article, I loved those creative examples you used!† or, â€Å"Don’t forget to put compelling subheads to break up your text!† or something as basic as, â€Å"You ROCK!† keeps your writers engaged and gets them used to hearing from you as you build the relationship. Good editors give writers positive encouragement.Receive Ongoing Feedback The chances that your current editorial system is perfect are slim†¦ because nothing is perfect! Create a calendar for yourself where you’ll check in with your writers and ask them how it’s going. I recommend asking two simple questions: If you could change anything about our work together, what would it be? What new features, tools, or systems would you implement (if any) and why? These questions allow you to get to the point quickly and open up the dialogue faster than something like, â€Å"How is it going for you?† It also puts context around the ask and encourages writers to think critically about how they’re really feeling so they can be honest. Now, I caution to be careful not to lose sight of the fact that when you ask for feedback, you’ve got to be prepared to hear things you maybe didn’t want to hear or weren’t expecting. You’re in charge, so take each piece of feedback with a grain of salt, but I don’t recommend asking for feedback unless you’re prepared to listen and potentially make changes as a result. Don't ask for feedback unless you're prepared to listen.Provide Incentives for Great Work The worst thing in the world for a manager is losing a great team member. In order to encourage retention among the writers you love, consider finding creative ways to reward them for a job well done. Consider putting a rewards system in place where you celebrate the success of your team when original business goals are met. For example, if you had one breakout article that contributed to a massive increase in pageviews, give that writer something as a thank you. It doesn’t have to be in the form of monetary payment (although everyone loves a little salary bump once in awhile!), but it can be small things like: A â€Å"writer of the month† award A shoutout on social media A Starbucks (or other) gift card A homepage placement If the incentive requires a small monetary compensation, make sure to include that in your editorial budget so you can maintain the rewards program. Nurture the Relationship The hardest thing about being a freelancer is the lack of consistent work. At the same time, good writers have their pick of the crop when it comes to opportunities as the market for great content grows. In addition to providing some sort of small incentive program for your writers, don’t forget about the human element of working with them. Ask them about their day. Say happy birthday. See how their kid is doing after she was out with a cold. A little personal touch goes a long way, especially in what can be a lonely virtual existence as a writer. Recommended Reading: How to Write Great Content: 20 Tips from Famous Writers Pay Your Writers (and Pay Them Well!) Good writing is truly an art form. And the lack of education on clear communications and writing only makes that art form more valuable. The easiest way to encourage your writers to do good work for you is to compensate them fairly for their services. Now, I understand that many publications provide incredible exposure and that outweighs the prospect of a cash payment. However, the largest and smallest publications alike may consider securing a budget for their writers. This helps develop loyalty among writers and keeps them coming back for more, which is really what you want in this day and age where â€Å"writers† are a dime a dozen, but finding great writers is like finding a needle in a haystack. Finding great writers is like finding a needle in a haystack.So, there you have it! You see, managing freelance writers isn’t just about knowing how to edit and set deadlines. It’s about truly understanding business objectives, having a detailed process, and perhaps above all else, developing great, lasting relationship with the people you work with. What has made you successful (or unsuccessful) in managing your writers (and yourself!) throughout the editorial process? I’d love to hear what’s working for you or answer any questions you have.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Japan Buys More of Euro Bailot Bond Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Japan Buys More of Euro Bailot Bond - Article Example Unlike Japan, other countries are not inclined to buy the European bonds because of the increasing debt problems which confront Europe. Even China which bought the bonds previously has not shown any intention of purchasing additional bonds. The financial crisis in Europe has made the yen stronger, making Japanese products less competitive than other products in the world. Because of this, the Japanese government has intervened in the currency market to weaken the yen, which was opposed by the European countries. It is not clear though whether this opposition by European countries triggered the reduction in the purchase by Japan of the EFSF bonds. The Japanese Finance Ministry defends its position by saying that the reduction in the purchase is based on the euro â€Å"liquidity† in its reserves and the conditions of the EFSF securities (Nakamichi , par 10). As a background information, the European Financial Stability Fund was set up in May 2010 with $625M. It was set up  "to bail out Greece to keep the turmoil caused by its debt from spreading to the euro-zone’s weaker members† (The New York Times , par 1). ... This article shows the importance of rescuing the European countries. Even if Japan is also beset with the problem of reconstruction after the devastating earthquake and tsunami last March, it still purchased the European bonds because it is aware that a recession in Europe will have a domino effect. Once European demand falls, the American, Japanese and Chinese economies will be adversely affected. Japan realizes that if the market confidence on the euro falls, there will be financial and trade disruptions. This scenario will lead to another global recession which the Japanese government would not like because their economy is export-driven. Since Japan has excess foreign reserves, the Finance Ministry decided on purchasing the Euro bonds to help the European economy. Next to China, Japan is known to have the world’s second-largest foreign-exchange reserves. The move of Japan to buy the Euro bailout bond is very commendable because one sees the concern of Japan to avert a wor ldwide crisis. Japan’s move means that they want to do their share in stabilizing the global financial system. The purchase of Euro bonds by Japan will help sustain the euro which has declined versus the yen. Hopefully, with Japan buying more Euro bonds, other countries will trust the deal more and purchase the bonds too to help Europe get out of the crisis. It will boost confidence in the EFSF further. Regarding Japan’s intervention to weaken their currency, one sees this as a move to help the country’s exporters. Having a strong yen makes Japanese goods more expensive for foreign buyers and would result in a decline in profit margins for the exporters. However, one does not see this as an effective way to improve its