Friday, December 6, 2019

Jaws Movie Poster Review Free Samples †

Question: Discuss about the Jaws Movie Poster Review. Answer: Introduction Since its release in 1975, the Jaws movie has gained millions of fans and followers all over the world. However, the movies poster played one major role behind the success of the movie. The poster, as shown in Fig-1 below, was the official poster released by the Universal Studios for the movie. The poster shows the violent shark on its mission to attack a woman, swimming on the ocean surface unaware of what fate awaits her. Granbacka (2016), claims how crucial had Jaws poster campaign been in the success of the movie. Jaws Poster Description The poster has been cunningly designed to reach out to the mind of the readers. The poster, being for a horror-entertainment movie is directed towards all categories of audiences. It was created to preach the theme of the movie concisely. The shark depicts horror, the woman depicts the beauty and the calmness above the water contrasted to the danger beneath, shows the calamities that await. Such creations help to grab a high multitude of audience attention. The viewers of the poster will feel the horror and tension right away. This would make them flock at the movie theatres to watch the movie and relieve themselves off the tension of what happens to the girl in the poster. Going by the initial looks of the poster, children especially will be greatly interested in such a movie, owing to the presence of an animal, the shark. Purpose of the Posters Contents As mentioned earlier, each content in the poster has been nicely placed with an aim to convey the thrill and horror of the movie. The shark and its violent teeth depicts the violence that the villain brings into the movie. The contrast in size of the shark and the girl is another key element that shows the inferiority of the prey compared to its hunter. The use of dark colors with bursting out bubbles at the base of the image from where the shark rises shows the depth of the ocean. Black or dark color is used to portray horror with a sense of sophistication and red in the name conveys blood and violence (Fagerholm, 2009). It is from the depth that an unknown attack can be launched onto the light, calm surface of the water, where the girl is swimming under the happy sun. Finally, the name of the movie has been craftily designed in red to fit the poster at the top with a white background. Written in red, it too produces a sense of danger in the mind of the viewers. Rhetorical Analysis The poster establishes ethos by naming the movie cast and other necessary information about the movie. The quotation about the best seller is highlighted at the top, to create a sense of originality and trust. Pathos is achieved by depicting a beautiful girl and the violent shark. This creates a sense of emotion and sympathy in the mind of the audience, especially children and men for separate, but obvious reasons. The use of contrasting colors with a large and violent figure of the shark brings out the logos in the poster. Conclusion The Jaws movie poster is a perfect example of how a poster must be designed in order to reach out to the audience and convey a strong message. The figures and colors are wonderfully used and is indeed a source of inspiration for the learners. References Fagerholm, C. (2009). The use of colour in movie poster design: An analysis of four genres. Granbacka, V. (2016). How is Horror Illustrated in Movie Posters?: A Study on The Evolution of Horror Movie Posters. Spielberg, S., Benchley, P., Gottlieb, C., Scheider, R., Shaw, R., Dreyfuss, R. (2018).Jaws (1975).IMDb. Retrieved 3 February 2018, from Wysocki, A. F., Lynch, D. A. (2017).Compose, design, advocate. Pearson.

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